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Item #: sbv1p
1 Piece Reduced Bore SS Ball Valve

Item #: sbvlp
Stainless Ball Valve L-Port

Item #: ARTA-APV
The ARTA® APV in-line sampling valve allows companies to safely pull representativeproduct samples directly from the process flow. Our sampling valves can handle abroad spectrum of chemicals, including corrosive and hazardous media. All ARTA®samplers are air-tight according to the TA-Luft standards.

Item #: sbvtp
Stainless Ball Valve T-Port

Item #: systrainer
Stainless Y-Strainer

Item #: sswcv
Stainless Swing Check Valve

Item #: ssglobevalve
Stainless Globe Valve

Item #: ssgatevalve
Stainless Gate Valve

Item #: sspcv3p
Stainless Spring Check Valve 3 Piece

Item #: sspcv2p
Stainless Spring Check Valve 2 Piece

Item #: sbv3piso
Stainless Ball Valve 3 Piece with ISO Mount